Just starting the process of turning the wife's Co2 powered 2250B (now .177 cal) into a 1750 PCP target pistol. I was originally going to get a Hi-Pac (and still might if this idea doesn't pan out), but instead picked up a Disco valve, fill adapter and gauge from Eric.

I will get into the specifics in a later post, but for now I have pretty much everything figured out for the build except for one thing - gauge placement. I want a gauge on it to monitor tube pressure so I'll know when to refill BEFORE accuracy heads south, but not sure what route to take...

1) With such a small reservoir for air, using a Disco gauge block is out of the question.

2) I could take the male Foster off the adapter, install a street "T" and then re-install Foster as well as gauge (Foster straight out, gauge pointing down). This would be the easiest way, but I would like a cleaner look (i.e - not look like a plumbing job).

3) After looking at the fill adapter (or more precisely - the space between threads and o-rings) and gauge for awhile, I came up with this idea but wanted to ask you braniac's first to see if it is even feasible before proceeding:
m_Disco fill adapter&gauge 004.jpg

Would this be possible...or even safe?

Enough meat on adapter to thread and safely secure gauge with 2000 psi (max) fill?

I took a few measurements and found that if the outermost portion of threads on gauge were .030" from o-ring groove, then opposite side of threaded hole would just BARELY touch the first thread on adapter. With a 3/8" hole in tube to accept gauge, it would leave .53" of tube material between end of tube and start of hole. Acceptable or no?

Thanks for any insight you can offer, and as always, I'm open to suggestions!
