I've always been one to, "go hard or go home".

I bought a Quest...I dunno, maybe 6-ish years ago, and it re-kindled my airgun love.

Learned some good stuff on the CAF, then you jerks got me to a whole other level.
(And Eric can go to H-E-double hockey sticks for being the first website that allowed me to deposit my limited funds DIRECTLY to a vendor...no paypal, no CC charges...damn you).

But I've kept it lean...real lean.guns 2012 002.jpg

(FYI, this feels like it might be a long post, so just fast forward to the pics....there's girls and guns there).

We had some good buds out to the in-law's cabin...Last weekend of the summer....we're all on the wrong side of 30 now, and you take a getaway when you can get it.

Hammer brings beer, steaks, and guns.
I sez, "hey...check this out!"

I had brought the Trail NP...the M4-177...and the Tf witness 1911.

There was a general reaction of......."Oh.".

So, everybody's doin' what they do, (we got dock fishin', we got motorboat for trolling, we got brooks for fly.....we got it all)....and I go to my little range I have set up.
(I'm from Alberta..I don't even try to fish.)

Funny enough....a shooting contest was initiated by one of the folks that eschewed "guns" in the first place...and it spread. Out of 6 people there, six shot...I felt happy...like this:

The front-runners were an author, and my damn wife.

The comp ended when the gun broke down.

I felt sad....like this:

so we went our seperate ways again.....

I had my BJ NP Trail out, and didn't think anyone'd be interested....with the LOP extention...the damn thing's about as long as a musket.
(I'm 6'3"...and have monkey arms...yes, it's quite comical, I look like Magilla Gorilla.)

Folks start to hoverin' around.

I felt happy again...like this:

Folks were absolute snipers with that damn gun!!!!!
(again, another vote for my love of the Trail, and the CP 4-16)

I had targets, ( by my measuring tape), at 35-40 meters. Could've been more, but I pulled the tape over lumpy ground.

And another shooting contest started.....I'd tell you who won....but it was starting to get dark.
That means beer-o'clock on my watch.

The success of the 1911 astounded me.
(Probably being a kid of the 80's ...where shooting was cool until Polytechnique, which seemed to demonize guns.)
But that's enough of that.

I enjoyed showing new folks how much fun it is to shoot.....so I chose the darkside, Gentlemen.......I bought an airsoft.


Yeah, it cost almost as much as my sweet, sweet Trail, but I missed full-auto...(I did get it for <$250)
It does not dissapoint.
(These things go for $300-$800 bucks...so for the price, that sucker was mine).

Even the Father-in-Law loves it.....that's a litmus test if I've ever seen one.

Everybody gets to shoot...no recoil....no holding your breath to shoot......it's about getting BB's on cans.

Rick 1.jpgGun shootin Mommy.jpg

Now people want something a little "heavier".

ME: "Well, sir......let's see what we have in this case."
I'm not trying to get converts, but they just keep poppin' up.