Hey, it's all good, guys! Thank you for the encouraging words, I do appreciate it.

I've been stressed to the max lately with some personal issues, and my head was in a bad place when I responded to Eric's post. It was wrong of me to do that...

@ Eric: As usual, your post was spot-on, and I had no right to jump to conclusions and babble on the way I did You have always conducted yourself and your forums in a very professional, yet laid-back manner which I admire and will do my best to not lower the inegrity of either in the future...Keep up the good work!

Last time I checked, this was an Airgun Forum, not a "cry-me-a-river/let's-talk-about-our-feelings" forum, so let's talk guns!!!

This concludes our "Oprah" section of the forum...back to your regular scheduled program...
