Quote Originally Posted by Poor-man Plinker View Post
I can tell you are a kind, understanding and compasaionate guy. If my posts deserve to be taken seriously or not is a matter of opinion. I do not mind being the class clown and I am totally out of my league here. However, I do not mind you-all bearing the brunt of my learning how to: use my camera; transfer data to forums (Why did my table disintegrate when transfered in the 1077 mag mod post?); operate the internet and; maybe develop some actual spread sheets and graphs (which I have never done).
I have to start somewhere, and, you can blame admin. that I am here. I am not a machinest and don't have squat for tools (MIG, TIG, NCR huh?) or supplies (copper hobby shop tubing? ha ha ha). My focus is toward the first time owner with limited experience and resources who wants a better mousetrap. I really have nothing of much value to offer your members. So, even I think, my posts should be located in the joke section. If someone finds them through the "tags" (whatever that means) then bully for them.
Ironically, when I get good at this I will take the Poor-man Plinker platform to a site that caters to the types of users it is intended to address. Untill then I guess you either suffer my idiocy or pull the plug! All the same to me.
Au contraire mon ami

This stuff is far more valuable than the silly crap I get into. Seriously, don't sell yourself short.

There is a fellow over on our sister forum "airgunhome" that goes by the online name of Slavia that has made a rare art of turning scrapyard junk and found objects into fine airrifles....without any fancy tools.

His lathe is a drill and a dremel tool.