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Thread: Webley Alecto caliber?

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  1. #1
    Member Bartman's Avatar
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    Fri Jan 27 2012
    Near London, ON

    Webley Alecto caliber?

    Hi all. I have a question regarding the Alecto. Hopefully, with all the knowledgeable people on this forum, I can get an answer. Is the only difference between an Alecto .177 and .22 (and even possibly a .25) caliber the barrel? I could not find a definitive answer on a couple other forums, so am seeking an answer here. If this is the case, I would buy a little less expensive .177 version and add other barrels. Thanks for reading this and hope to get a reply or 2. Take care.

    Last edited by Bartman; Aug 12 2012 at 07:40 PM. Reason: Should have been in pump up section.

  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Somewhere Out There
    I don't own an Alecto (or the Zoraki native model) from what people have said to the best of my recollection is that the only difference is the barrel. But, that is the issue- I don't believe anyone is stocking alternate barrels for it in Canada and there are no "direct fit" substitutes- some machining of a similar barrel would need to be done- i.e. copy the length/contour and cutouts from the existing Alecto barrel to allow the substitute to fit the pistol.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  3. #3
    Member Bartman's Avatar
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    Fri Jan 27 2012
    Near London, ON
    Thanks Eric. I have been doing more checking, and do believe the barrel is the only difference. I got an email from 'randyhub' with him using a .25 caliber and another one that is using the Crosman barrels and machining them. Look for more Crosman barrel sales and again, thank you for replying.


  4. #4
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Not to be funny- but if "the fabricator" of .25 cal barrels won't find his way over here- I don't want referrals being made to the "other forum" after all the BS from late last year. Posts directing people to the "other" forum have been deleted.

    And yes, I am extremely intolerant of this. If the people there can't find their way here- there is no way in hell that forum will have people directed to it from here.

    If I start seeing people being directed here from the other forum without the posts being deleted, things will change- but until that occurs I am not going to be generous with it/the other forum owner by helping contributing to his traffic numbers.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 31 2011
    The barrel is the only difference. Crosman barrels can be Machined to fit. I have done a 22 with a longer barrel and a 25 caliber. Asimple machine job is all that is needed.

  6. #6
    Member Bartman's Avatar
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    Near London, ON
    Quote Originally Posted by AirGunEric View Post
    Not to be funny- but if "the fabricator" of .25 cal barrels won't find his way over here- I don't want referrals being made to the "other forum" after all the BS from late last year. Posts directing people to the "other" forum have been deleted.

    And yes, I am extremely intolerant of this. If the people there can't find their way here- there is no way in hell that forum will have people directed to it from here.

    If I start seeing people being directed here from the other forum without the posts being deleted, things will change- but until that occurs I am not going to be generous with it/the other forum owner by helping contributing to his traffic numbers.
    I understand and apologize. I am still not aware of all that went on as I only joined in December.

  7. #7
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    No need for anyone to apologize. Part of the trigger here is that the other day I stumbled across a printout I had of the BS that was made up at the time in respect to me/what I was doing in relation to the old forum and it renewed my extreme distaste for the main person involved in that forum (none of the Moderators- they are all OK).
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  8. #8
    Member DocGadget's Avatar
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    Mon Apr 16 2012
    I mention you all the time on the other forum and none of my posts have been deleted, I didn't put a link to here as I understand you guys are competitors but I did post links to your store without any problem but I'm in no way shape or form implying you should do the same.

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