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Thread: OK, let's try this forum....

  1. #1
    Moderator rsterne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Wed Dec 7 2011
    Coalmont, BC

    OK, let's try this forum....

    I asked this question over on the Green, as they are 39X crazy over there.... but NO responses.... not a very helpful bunch to an "outsider"....

    The Crosman parts diagram for the 392 shows the pivot pin location on the piston yoke below center, and also the main pivot pin location for the linkage at the front of the tube.... I assume that is to insure an "over-center" condition when pumped.... Can somebody tell me how much below the center of the piston and the tube those two pins are?....

    Dominion Marksman Silver Shield - 5890 x 6000 in 1976, and downhill ever since!
    Airsonal: Too many to count!

  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    The overall diameter of a 392PA tube is 22.4mm, the pivot pin location for the linkage at the front of the tube is around the 8mm (center of hole) from the bottom of the tube. Looking at the pump piston (OD of 19.35mm) the hole is also at 8mm from the bottom end.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  3. #3
    Moderator rsterne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Wed Dec 7 2011
    Coalmont, BC
    Thanks for that, Eric.... much appreciated.... so relative to the center, the hole in the piston yoke is actually slightly closer to the centerline as the yoke is smaller than the tube.... the center of the hole in the yoke is only about 1.68mm below center, but the hole in the tube is twice that, about 3.2mm.... I'm guessing that is 1/16" and 1/8" in US measure....

    Dominion Marksman Silver Shield - 5890 x 6000 in 1976, and downhill ever since!
    Airsonal: Too many to count!

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