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Thread: FT June 16th FW from Dave

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sat May 5 2012

    FT June 16th FW from Dave

    We will start setting up at 9:00, do some sighting in and try to start the 'match' around 10:30. We'll be there at least 2-3 hours. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. Also please read the safety rules at the bottom of this email.
    We should have about 25 real field targets on hand for this next shoot.
    In addition to your gun and pellets please bring along a pen, clipboard and something to sit on (cushion or pad, not a chair) for the many seated shots. If you want to do sighting in please bring along a carton with targets attached.
    There will be a couple of airguns that people can borrow, and there will be a couple of 'real' FT rifles for people to check out.
    If you are bringing a PAL gun with you, remember your firearms licence.
    I have added yet a few more hopefully helpful links to the page at
    The new location is about six minutes south of the Limoges exit on the 417. This is at the large acreage (open farm land with lots of wind to keep bugs away) of one the local airgun shooters. Email me for a map link.

    - NEVER point your gun at anyone and ALWAYS treat your gun as being loaded at ALL times.
    - ALWAYS be aware of where your muzzle is pointing, if you have difficulty getting up from a prone shot without waving your gun around, please ask another member of your group to help you.
    - If you have a magazine fed rifle, please remove the magazine between shooting pegs/lanes.
    - If you have a Break Barrel rifle, please break the barrel to show it’s safe. Similarly if you have an underlever rifle, please crack the underlever while carrying the gun.
    - Please do NOT rest your muzzle on your foot and please don’t carry your gun using the scope as a carry handle.
    - Please do not load your rifle or even look through the scope ANYWHERE except across a designated firing line – that means the Zero Range OR the Course and nowhere else.
    - Most importantly, if you see someone being unsafe, politely point it out to them. THOSE WHO CANNOT SAFELY HANDLE FIREARMS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.
    - While you’re shooting the course, we operate a BUDDY MARSHALLING system. That means that everyone on the course is a safety marshal, not just the people wandering around with florescent jackets on.
    - it’s YOUR responsibility to make sure that everyone in your group stays safe.
    - If you’re in ANY doubt at all, please ask one of the roving Marshals.
    - If you hear a SINGLE blast on a whistle or air horn it means CEASE FIRE immediately. If you have a loaded gun, please point it at soft ground across the firing line and discharge it safely into the ground.
    - Remember, We’re ALL responsible for safety, so please make sure that everyone in your group is aware of a cease fire and that the groups to your left and right are also aware.
    - While a cease fire is on, please DO NOT look through your scope or shoulder your rifle for ANY reason.
    - Two blasts of a whistle or horn mean that it’s safe to continue – Again, make sure everyone in your group and in the groups around you are aware of this.
    - DO NOT Under any circumstances cross a firing line – if there is a problem, find a roving marshal and tell them what the problem is, they’ll be happy to help you.
    - If you’re a spectator, please have consideration for those shooting the competition, and please do not approach or distract shooters while they’re taking a shot.

  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    When did this get sent out? Today is the 11th and I can't just drop things with less than a week's notice for shoots...
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  3. #3
    Member just missed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sun Jan 1 2012
    More notice would be great but I will still be there.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sat May 5 2012
    Anybody notice it was father's day?

  5. #5
    Senior Member SeanMP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Thu Dec 22 2011
    Just south of "Out There"
    Crap! Gonna miss another one

  6. #6
    Moderator poil27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 31 2011
    not out enough
    same here i'm verry sad can't atempt this one too ....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sat May 5 2012
    sorry I just notice its not on fathers day, it my wife i tell you. My wife jump the gun and told me hey your shoot is on farthers day! did they notice.

    LOL sorry but got to blame the wife on this one. [ really ]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sat May 5 2012
    Well I'm not going to attend this one I have a race on Sunday the 17th In Napi it's my NHRA SS/PA drag race for my Turbo Ford. and I want to take my car to the track.
    and i need to work on it all day Saturday to have it perfect for Sunday.

    don't wish me luck

  9. #9
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    Don't wish you luck?

    Isn't that a bit backwards?

    As for the shoot- I think Saturdays generally don't work for alot of people...

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