First... sorry if this is a no-brainer and redundant to the experienced - I'm a newbie.

I want to purchase an air rifle exceeding 500 fps velocity. I have the "old school" POL license (which expires in March - I've already sent in by renewal app). I've been putting off applying for a PAL, I'm under the impression that there are changes coming with C-19 but I can't seem to find definitive answers. My questions...

-will my POL be replaced by a PAL? From what I read... there has not been a POL option in many years.
-if I am reissued with a POL type license, will it now allow me to purchase the gun discussed above?
-where do we stand with the implementation of Bill C-19? Will C-19's implementation change my circumstance? I've owned and used guns for 40 years... should I just go write the challenge and get a PAL so I can move ahead with my purchase?

Thanks in advance. Dan

BTW: lengthy replies not required if you can point me in the right direction with a few informative links.