As the title says, this is my first ever try at making a stock. It is also quite possible that this will be my last attempt too! LOL. Having no idea what I'm doing, and only a picture in my noodle of what I want, I find myself doing alot of and. I wanted something a little different from the norm, so this is what I came up with...(so far)
The stock is for the wife's 2250, running on HPA. The 13 ci bottle will be housed in the butt portion of the stock, with a S/S brake line running from bottle to valve by going up through the inside of the stock for a little cleaner look. More on this nightmare later...
Started out by laminating 2 pieces of 3/4" plywood together, tracing some lines on, then cutting out rough shape on a bandsaw:
Attachment 54
Next, I did a bit of shaping/smoothing out of the rough edges, plus cut out the inlay for the gun to fit:
Attachment 53
Made the housing for the 13 ci bottle by gluing 12 pieces of 3"x4"x3/4" plywood together, then bored out the center with a 2" Forstner bit in the drill press. Rough cut the outside shape with the bandsaw:
Attachment 55
Pic of the bottle housing glued in place. Bottom of pistol grip will be removeable so I can remove bottle later on if/when necessary:
Attachment 56
Rough mock-up of what gun will look like when completed. Alot of elbow work yet, but you get the idea...
Attachment 57
Will post some pics of my valve set up, altered grip frame, etc in my next post soon.
Any thoughts/suggestions so far?