I had a chance to tune my Phantom .177 today and shot some groups with my "new" pellets got at local CT. They were RWS Superdomes (8.3 gr), everybody knows them, and Stoeger rebranded X-Sport Match Wads (7.48 gr) which are believed to be H&N Sport Econ http://www.hn-sport.de/en/products/e...lets/econ.html
Anyhoozer, tuned the Phantom to shoot the RWS at 499 fps , and the Stoegers are running a bit over. The rifle hasa bleed hole piston which I "optimized" with the spring and pre-load to achieve non-PAL speeds with the Superdomes. This rifle kicks like heck, but if I concentrate I can hold it on target. Long story short... the Stoegers group pretty nicely, those are 5-shot groups, 10 yards 4x scope. I like the lower one, looks like 2 shots... but it's 5! You can see the suopedomes on the left print smaller holes in the paper and are spread out much more than the wads. There was still a bit of smoke when I shot those groups so I just kept going and practicing with the Superdomes, eventually I was able to shoot a ragged hole (3/8'') 10 shot group with them. So, thumbs up for the Stoeger X-Match. BTW, I shot about 150 Superdomes and 100 Stoegers today, they fit the breach very consistently... both pellets are well made - I didn't feel any tight ones or loose ones at all.