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Thread: Pest control

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Wed Feb 14 2024

    Pest control

    Hi all, I'm new to the game. im looking for a decent non pal pellet gun for ratting and plinking. i've narrowed it down to the Diana .22 Chaser rifle kit(Having trouble finding one) or the crosman 2100 XL. Also the fusion 2 or the beeman QB II 1085. I would like to keep it under $250.00 any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    The Crosman 2100xl is just a toy: pump-up bb shooter (i.e. no, or useless barrel rifling) and when Crosman "detunes" things to be below 500fps, they almost always overshoot the mark- I would be surprised if it gets to 425fps.

    The other rifles are all better choices in respect to power and accuracy. The order I would go in of the rifles you mention; 1) Diana .22, 2) Beeman QB, 3) Fusion2 (actually, I would avoid this due to the cost of 88g Co2 cartridges and the lack of ease of obtaining them)- the Crosman 2100 I wouldn't consider at all.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

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