LOL I love this list it's so true !

Just last week I was working on a part that I wanted to drill 3 different size holes in and also tap one of the holes.......

I thought I had everything planned out ....

I had the first size drill I needed firmly set in the chuck.....I had planned ahead and set the other two sized drills that I would need on the bed of the drill press along with the tap ......

I had no fear of the drill jamming in the part and spinning around because I had two bolts bolted to the deck from the last time I drilled something and they were just rite to hold my part from spinning ....

now thinking I had thought of everything I put a the bit to the first mark to be drilled gave it a nice squirt of lube and start drilling!......

all is well until that moment where the drill is just about to pass through the part and the whole bed starts spinning and throwing everything I needed to finish the job all over my insanely messy garage because for some reason the lock bolt had been backed off allowing the bed to spinn fast enough that it was just a blurr . ....

About 4 shots of JD later I was able to stop grinding my teeth