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Thread: Bwa-ha-ha-ha

  1. #1
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    I'm curious as to how the "new" 13-22 will stack up against this 2nd variant. I know all isn't as it should be, especially with that rifle scope aboard... and the SBK steel breech is a bit out of place, too.

    This medalist was bought with a tattered box, and ripped plastic breech a couple of years ago, at a gunshow. It held, and fired, albeit weakly. I wasn't able to find a replacement valve stem for it, so the valve is now 1/2 and 1/2 - with the original brass front, and current 13-XX aluminum rear. It was the only way I could get the gun to function properly. The gun is powerful now, with a flat top piston.

    It's no slouch off the bench, with the 14.3 gr. Daisy hollow point. Musta looked comical, with my knees up to my chin, and elbows over my ears- but that's what works with me and a pistol with a rifle scope...

    The 18.1 gr. JBS Exact Heavy almost makes it through both sides of that tough pinto bean can, but not quite.

    I still have to holsterize this thing, and maybe get some iron sights for it that I can actually see... I did leave tonight's little session with a nice feeling of well being. I like that old cobbled together medalist a lot. I'll be getting one of the new ones- just to compare against this, and a 1st variant that I have...


    Doc Sharptail
    Last edited by Doc Sharptail; Jan 19 2012 at 03:59 AM.
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  2. #2
    Member Gippeto's Avatar
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    Fine pistol in my book. Have a phase two I used to pack along for potting grouse with (legal here) when after deer.
    Interesting, the stocks and trigger frame on yours are different...bought mine ~1986-8 IIRC it came with the same stocks and trigger frame as used on the phase 3 1377...anyone know when they changed the stocks and frames?

    Still have the old valve and stem? Any pictures?


  3. #3
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    Apparently there were sub-variants of these. Brother says he had a 13-22 that self cocked on the opening of the sliding breech cover, with the one piece grip frame. I haven't seen one of those yet. The only differences between my gun, and a first variant was the breech and rear sight. On the first variant I have, both the breech and rear sight base are blued steel. The piston rod on my first variant was steel, with and oil pad around the front of it...

    I suspect the hammer spring on mine to be slightly "compressed" :P Gun retains air on just 8 pumps. Trigger spring has a milled steel insert that sits on the end of it, with a slot for the end of the sear.

    The valve stem that was in this gun had some kind of badly deteriorated sealing material in it- I hasve no idea what it was. I've been tempted to try some tiny o-rings for a stem seal, but have never found any that small. I'll have to dig for the valve and stem to get pics...


    Doc Sharptail
    Last edited by Doc Sharptail; Jan 19 2012 at 10:30 AM.
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  4. #4
    Member Gippeto's Avatar
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    Good chance it could be easily resealed using Teflon or a new "head" made from Nylatron or Acetal...if you've any interest in resurrecting the original valve. Pics would be nice either way though. :)

  5. #5
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    I got lucky, this time. It was in the first place I looked for it. Other half of the valve body is in the gun... that's the stem sans seal. I did find an o-ring that diametered in perfectly. Unfortunately, it sits too low in the stem for an effective seal against the seat. Seal seat on the valve body side looks kinda rough. I'm beginning to think this gun had been treated with WD-40. It would splain a lot...

    That's the steel piston rod with oil wiper and cup seal from my first variant, mentioned earlier. Piston cup is rock-hard- no amount of oil massaging will bring it back.

    Gun's back in it's regular (for now) shooting form. It's still a gas on soda cans....


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  6. #6
    Member Gippeto's Avatar
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    An o-ring would just blow out and cause grief. As long as the stem is still a good fit in the valve body, it could be resurrected.

    Not sure if the "brass hat" stems are still available...I bought some a few years back that were a couple bucks a piece IIRC and came with what looked like a teflon seal...might still have a new one kickin around somewhere...or they can be made.

    Pistol looks much better with the smaller scope IMO.


  7. #7
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    Have you tried rubber rejuvenator on the piston cup?

  8. #8
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    How long is that stem? It is entirely possible that a new stem might be available (I know of at least one dealer, who shall remain nameless that has some of the older 13xx stems with a brass head). The pump cup looks like a standard 760-140 as used in the newer 13xx's and 13/2289's as well.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  9. #9
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    So close to 1-7/16" on my combination mini-tape/drain-opener, we'll call it that....

    If that "dealer who shall remain nameless" has some complete brass 13-XX valves, I'd be interested in a deal. That brass is a joy to work with- especially when all you've got is a cheap little drill press...


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  10. #10
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    The older valvestems that the nameless dealer has are almost exactly 1.5". Unfortunately, complete brass valves are long gone (the last few were assembled out of all the spare parts that could be ordered at the time from Crosman)- although I believe a few front casings/pointed end of the housing might still be around in brass.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

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