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Thread: baikal izh 60 mod: nitro piston

  1. #1
    Moderator poil27's Avatar
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    Sat Dec 31 2011
    not out enough

    baikal izh 60 mod: nitro piston

    recived my special order from russia today , a nice pneumatic spring. thing looks to be quality made from top of the line material the shaft is blued with rich deep finish tube is perfectly finish as well.
    my russian freind eaven included a piston seal in the deal .

    instalation is prety streight foward . after opening and removing the main spring and guide. and cheking for burs on iside the piston you place the centering plate in the piston. you are ready to close the gun Use spring compressor to do so as the piston is prety stiff , the pre load is not verry long around 3/8 " but it's enough to make that thing powerfull enough.

    first impression:

    the piston is a great upgreat for that smal sprigner it remove all the twang and lot of the vibration eaven some recoil . i suspect it to be more powerfull but i don't have a crony so i'm in the dark there .

  2. #2
    Member Dukemeister's Avatar
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    Kingston, Ontario
    The gas spring is a nice upgrade for a springer. Pre-load doesn't work the same as a steel spring. The load-displacement curve for a gas spring is almost constant for the initial compression, then it increases slowly. Here is a graph:
    So you get a more even release of energy on firing - but cocking effort is also greater.
    I have ordered a bunch of gas springs to play with too:
    Member, Limestone Beekeepers Guild
    Duke ))))----//----------==

  3. #3
    Member PACTOO's Avatar
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    West of "Out There"
    Sounds like you will have a blast when you have that gas ram installed! You should notice if there is a power surge, bigger dents in can or holes, pellets imbed themselves further into wood targets etc. Have fun installing...
    Confucious says: He who slings mud, often loses ground!

  4. #4
    Moderator poil27's Avatar
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    Sat Dec 31 2011
    not out enough
    i'll try it more thorowly this week end i have to install the one in docgadget gun i'll bring mine as well and some crony testing to be sure. as far as i knok it is a little more powerfull but i don't know by how mutch

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sun Jan 1 2012
    Southern Ontario
    Yeah, it'd be great to see chrony numbers before and after a conversion...

  6. #6
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    Is that all it is- a strut? I had thought that there was was an actual modified piston as part of the setup? I think Dukemeister has the right idea.

    Who distributes the Dadco struts in Canada?
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

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