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Thread: 2200/13XX conversion project

  1. #1
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    2200/13XX conversion project

    Have an old 2200 I picked up a ways back at a gun show.
    Loved the ergonomics, but I couldn't get the soda straw bbl to group worth beans. The plastic bolt on it would blow open anything over 7 pumps...

    Found that the rear of the 2200 valve is almost 1/2" longer than it's 13-XX counterpart, so....

    There's a part comparison.
    I threaded on a 13-XX front to the 2200 rear, and ended up with this after quite a few other mods:

    It actually works quite well, despite the aged and worn 2200 valve rear. Stem is getting a little wonky, but still decent.

    10 pumps averages 569.8 fps over 10 shots with an extreme spread of 9.9 fps with the 14.3 gr Daisy hollowpoint.

    15 pumps (and I dare not go further until I can get a new valve into it) yields 675.5 fps 10 shot average with an extreme spread of 10.0 fps with the same pellet.

    That small increase in valve volume is working wonders...


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Hello Doc:

    So, you have an extra-long valve in the 13xx platform now? I'm not quite understanding what putting the 2200 valve rear on the flat-topped 13xx front is doing other than increasing volume- I'm assuming it is also shortening your pump stroke? If so, did you try it both ways to see which was more effective (plain flat-top vs. expanded valve volume with shorter pump stroke)?
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  3. #3
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    Up The Escarpment
    Hi Eric:

    Yes, I gained about a cubic three eighths of an inch volume wise. I am using the 2200 tube, and the pump stroke is still longer than 13-XX, even with the longer hybrid valve.

    The 30 some odd year old valve I'm using is acting like the stem is going to fail. For 15 pumps, that's quite decent performance. I was not expecting anywhere near that much of a gain in velocity.

    I still have some work to do on this build. I'll have to make an extended rear cap, so's I can use the original 2200 hammer spring with an RVA. (there's a 13-XX hammer spring in there now with a home made stainless non-waisted hammer, and a P-rod grip and trigger.) I'd also like to come up with a new pivot block for it. The holes for the pivot pin are further back on the tube than 13-XX.

    Just headed downstairs now to get her scoperized and sighted in. More to follow...


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  4. #4
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    Got it scoped with one of my 6-24X 42mm A/O Banner's. Rings are Millet aluminum 4x4 rimfire that I picked up on closeout at Wholesale Sports. I had to shim the rear ring to get enough elevation....

    Not bad for cheap pellets. That's 5 per bull for those that are keeping count 12 meters distance.

    Groups much better with a little power behind the pellets. I yanked the one at left, as usual....

    Speaking of power...clean pull tab rivet take out on this soda can at 675 fps. I actually saw the pellet skate across the can surface and make the second hole through the scope. Sometimes 12X can be interesting....

    Getting curious as to where this build is going to top out.... will see once the new valves are here.

    Recovered pull tab...

    ...and recovered "skater" pellet with an unfired one for comparison.


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


  5. #5
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    Up The Escarpment

    Valve body comparison. First variant exhaust section on a 13-XX intake section, at left.

    Stock 13-XX at centre.

    Stock current 2200 at right.

    This is what a blown pumper valve stem looks like. Part was already 40+ years old before I subjected it to more than what it could handle.

    I think the tube was damaged on this little escapade~ I can't get any valve to hold air inside it. I'm going to have to get another tube...


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


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