After my BC testing, I then proceeded out to the ranch where I do my Varmint hunting.... I wanted to see how the 47.8 gr. NOE HP Bob's Boattail performed.... All I can say is, that headshots are no longer required, in fact the recovery rate is greater with a shot to the chest.... Not only do you have a much bigger target, but the bullet does a huge amount of damage as it passed through the quarry.... accompanied by a large spray of blood, clearly visible in the scope, and a loud WHACK! as the bullet hits.... Here are the exit wounds on a Marmot and a Ground Squirrel, both taken at about 50 yards....
I didn't do a lot of accuracy testing today, due to limited time.... I found that all my boattails (both LBT and NOE) outshot the Lyman ACP rounds at 50 yards, with groups running just over 1".... I didn't do any fine tuning of either velocity or the Air Stripper, so I have no doubt that can be improved.... but it was good enough to test the bullets on live game.... All in all, I'm very pleased with the results.... Anyone want to buy my Lyman 57902 mould with HP conversion?.... ;D