Only got a few hours in the shop today.... but I got the holes in the top and bottom of the lower tube machined.... That allowed me to bolt together some of the sub-assemblies for the first time.... It actually is beginning to look like something other than a pile of parts....

The barrel and Monocoque tube are not in place in the photo, because I wanted you to be able to see the general arrangement of how the parts fit together.... It was great to actually be able to shoulder it and see how the ergonomics work.... I'm quite pleased, although the gun is definitely long.... The LOP as shown in the photo is 14".... I still have to machine the side holes for the valve screws, the hole on the left for the gauge, and the slot on the right for the cocking handle for the hammer.... Then it remains to machine the slot for the bolt handle in the Monocoque tube and the Breechblock.... The next time I put it together it should look close to the finished product.... Long, thin, and heavy....
