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Thread: Xisico B9 Stock Removal

  1. #1
    Spilled Milk

    Xisico B9 Stock Removal

    Question about disassembly of the Xisico BAM B9. It is the QB-57 clone that is similar to the Baikal IZH-61 in operation. Anyways, I wanted to remove the stock just to give it a paint job but can't seem to see a simple way to remove the safety switch above the trigger. It is a push pin type that has a head on either end. Was wondering if anyone had any experience taking one of these apart.


  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    I am not familiar with the B9- but these types of safeties usually have a sprung retaining wire holding them in place- the idea is to push the safety through after moving the wire aside. Can you get into the rifle at all before removing the stock?
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  3. #3
    Spilled Milk
    Honestly I was waiting to see if anyone might have any advice on the thread but I guess the best thing is to just go ahead and try. (Needs an internal cleaning real bad. Full of grease everywhere.) I'm hoping that the "safety" is part of the stock and not part of the trigger mechanism. I'm just thinking this may be case since the QB57 does not have a safety such as this and the B9 safety does not engage unless the rifle is cocked. (The B9 has no anti-bear trap on the side btw.) It's just a couple of screws to remove the stock so I'll try it out tomorrow. I'll post pics. In any case compared to a QB57, the B9 is not up to par. It does not "seem" as well crafted and the entire stock/forend is polymer. (I'm sure all the internals are steel though.) It has some other minor differences but personally I like my QB57 .22 better then the .177 B9. Still, I haven't tuned it and checked fps, so I may be speaking to soon. I'll let the forum know how it goes. Anyways thanks again AirGunEric

  4. #4
    Spilled Milk
    So I took the stock off. It was as I suspected. The safety is part of the stock and not the trigger mechanism. In order to remove the stock, simply take off the butt plate with the two small screws behind it, (They stay in the butt pad.) then unscrew the long rear swivel bolt and the big front bolt under the breech. Put the "safety" in half way position and the stock comes right off. It's that easy. Anyways, time to put her in the compressor and remove the spring. I'll compare it to the spring in the QB57 repair kit and let the forum know if it is a "fit" or not.

  5. #5
    Spilled Milk
    Here is a pic of the disassembled Xisico B9. The spring at the top above the mainspring is from the QB57 Repair Kit (QF-2). After a good cleaning and basic tuning I'll chrony it and maybe see if the QB57 spring does anything. At the very bottom of the picture is a key ring link. I had to use this in the spring compressor as the spring plug is less then flush with the receiver body. Anyways, I'll let the forum know how this does with a variety of pellets after a good cleaning and re-lubing.

  6. #6
    Spilled Milk
    So after closer inspection, it seems that the B9 is exactly like the B3 except for the main spring being 1/2" shorter. The mainspring and seal in the QF-2 kit should work fine to up the fps a solid 50-100 points as described by B3 users. However, the lack of an anti-bear trap mechanism makes me want to just keep the old spring and not worry about the fps. I'll have to see how low this gun really goes. I haven't heard good things about the velocities it is capable of. A high 300's would definitely warrant a spring change. In any event, I'm almost done with the cleaning (man she's a dirty birdy) and then I'll smooth it up and test it out. If anyone has tested the velocities on a B9 they already have, I would really appreciate some numbers for comparison. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Spilled Milk
    Finally found a minute to finish cleaning and re-assembling it. It was like taking the Cosmoline of an unissued SKS! Stained and burred everywhere. Gave her a good cleaning inside and out, smoothed it out where it was needed and now I'm ready to do some tests with a "stock" detuned B9. One thing that I'm going to do is replace the leather piston seal with the Nylon seal in the QF-2 kit. This then increases the compression chamber volume by removing a solid 1/4" of seal. This then makes the spring only 1/2" longer having only two more windings then the original spring. If anyone has any thoughts on what might happen with the longer string and shorter seal, I would really like to hear them. In the meantime, I'll Chrony the ****** with lead and PBA's and see if I can compile a small chart for the forum.

  8. #8
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    See how it works out, increasing the chamber size and spring should give it more power, so the question becomes, will it make it's shooting cycle a bit jumpier- ?
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  9. #9
    Spilled Milk
    Just starting shooting now after the lube tuning. Seems way louder then the QB57. Still have it in the detuned factory condition and will do the chrony tests on it soon. The magazine does NOT like a lot of common pellets. Looks like a skirtless pellet would do best in it. One odd thing I should mention though is that after a few test shots, I decided to tighten the rear stock bolt and it prevented the airgun from cocking! A washer/spacer at the bottom might be a good addition to the B9. In any case, the jumpiness would be a great test. Perhaps I should write an app that attaches a phone to the airgun and measures the forces applied in the directions supported by the devices accelerometer. Thanks for the idea AirGunEric! Maybe the airgun community might get a free app to test the recoil forces from a springer. Thanks again!


    Clean, Smoothed and Lubed.

  10. #10
    Spilled Milk
    Averaging 439 fps with Crosman Domed 7.9 grain (I believe). I'm going to try the Piston Seal Change only and see if it stays below 500 fps with an 8 grain predator. I'll be happy with that. Anyways, I'll finally do the mod and let the forum know the difference.

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