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Thread: are all CO2 cartridges the same as far as pressure in concerned?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Tue Dec 30 2014

    are all CO2 cartridges the same as far as pressure in concerned?

    Im interested in a semi automaatic pellet rifle which i assume use CO2 cartridges for power.
    Iwould like to get a brand that is accurate and has the highest possible fps as I have a firearm license.
    Are there different co2 cartridges for different guns or are they all the same.?

  2. #2
    Moderator rsterne's Avatar
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    Wed Dec 7 2011
    Coalmont, BC
    They are all the same for pressure at a given temperature.... but the higher the temp. the more pressure....

    Dominion Marksman Silver Shield - 5890 x 6000 in 1976, and downhill ever since!
    Airsonal: Too many to count!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Tue Dec 30 2014
    Then the conclusion is that ALL co2 dependent air rifles probably have the same fps ...If thats not the case..then what determines a lower
    or higher fps ? assuming that the barrels are all the same lenght....what is the highest fps that can be reached with a co2 cartrideg pellet rifle?

  4. #4
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    A number of factors; barrel length, valve/transfer port design, weight of pellet used to determine the velocity and so on (typically 68*F is used as the temperature for testing, but whose to say one manufacturer or another doesn't use 75*F to 'up' the numbers a bit- not saying this occurs, but I don't recall any manufacturer specifying the temperature they used for testing, and most do not publish the exact pellet weight used).
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

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