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Thread: RCMP Gun Classification/Reclassification Action

  1. #1
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    RCMP Gun Classification/Reclassification Action

    Cheryl Gallant, M.P.
    Member of Parliament for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke

    Last week, we learned of the decision made by the RCMP to reclassify rifles imported from Switzerland. Last fall, I tabled Motion M-452 in the House of Commons calling on our government to establish a permanent “Firearms Experts Technical Committee” to oversee such things as firearms reclassifications and other changes to the Firearms Act that have a direct effect on stakeholders. In June, I asked responsible firearms owners to co-sign my letter to the Minister of Public Safety calling for a moratorium on the RCMP’s ability to reclassify firearms. On Friday, the Minister wrote to Canadians about this matter stating “I want to assure you all options are on the table to fix this situation. I will also be taking steps to make sure this never happens again.” The time for action is now. The solution is clear. Support M-452 and establish an immediate moratorium.

    Please, sign my e-petition to support M-452 at


    Cheryl Gallant

  2. #2
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
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    I have posted this as it seems a worthwhile Bill- especially in view of the recent situation with the Swiss Arms reclassifications.

    Part of the issue not being mentioned in the text above or the links is that the RCMP/CFC has been defining how everything is classified- with little or no official policies in place- one day a particular product may be "legal" the next day the same product is "prohibited", likewise on airguns, they have no proper policy on what it takes to "detune" a gun and what doesn't (fortunately, for the purposes of the criminal code, if what you got don't shoot over 500- it isn't a "firearm" requiring a license)- so there are thousands of "detuned" products out in Canada that have never been classified as "detuned" officially and entered in the Firearms Reference Table (FRT). This being the case, any law enforcement officer who uses the FRT to check on something (i.e. all LEO's) will be led to believe a detuned "non-firearm" could very well be a "firearm" until they are satisfied/it is proven the gun isn't shooting over 500. Official regulations and policies on what defines "properly detuned" need to be published and used- but none exist currently. The creation of a third-party (non-RCMP/CFC) technical group should/would produce such things so they can do what would be their mandated job.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Doc Sharptail's Avatar
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    "Last week, without Parlimentary input, the RCMP unilaterally reclassified two types of rifles. All Swiss Arms and most models of the CZ858 are now prohibited. This affects approximately 12,000 members in the firearms community and represents anywhere between 10 and 15 million dollars of private property."


    Doc Sharptail
    "Ain't No Half Way"


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