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Thread: Power question

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Wed Jan 4 2012

    Power question

    Hi Guys

    I noticed today that my old pumpmster 760 seems to have more power to it then some of my newer rifles. For example I was firing some pellets at a soup can and the newer rifles ( Phantom,Quest,) and they would all penetrate the can but only dent the other side. But the pumpmaster 760 using the same pellet would penetrate it no problems. Does any of the following sound right?

    - A tin can isnt exactly a great measurement of power because the top of a can is smooth while the ridges in the middle offer more resistance and the same are thinner in between those ridges.

    - Different rifles fire pellets differently and each has its preference

    Also would the phantom,quest, still need to break in to achieve more power? they have only had maybe a hundred shots or so fired in each.

    Does any of this sound like a realistic though, or am I nuts


  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Wed Jan 4 2012
    hey guys, nothing to do with the topic here but I posted this earlier this morning and it never showed up until ( for me anyways ) the last hour or so??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Fri Dec 30 2011
    GTA Ontario
    Jeremy, the old metal frame pumpmasters from the 70's shot above 500 fps. Without a chronograph its really hard to tell what's going on. Some guns do smooth out and speed up as they
    break in.

  4. #4
    Administrator AirGunEric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 3 2011
    Somewhere Out There
    Your Phantom/Quest will need a few hundred pellets to break-in properly- but will still only likely be shooting around 440fps if it is one of the newer (i.e. from the last year or so) versions.

    As jps pointed out, an older Pumpmaster (pre-1998) is likely shooting more power- i.e. likely in the 575fps ballpark.

    -As for your post not appearing- I had to install an anti-spam program, and obviously the software is not perfect- anything it thinks might be spam it analyzes, won't display it and flags it for review. It caught your one post (why, exactly I can't say) and about 8 other posts from spammers. When I saw them, yours was "approved", the spammers posts deleted. Once you have gotten to 10 posts this won't happen again, and so far, yours was the only post not put up by a spammer that the system 'sidelined'.
    I'd say I care- but I'd probably be lying...

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Wed Jan 4 2012
    cheers for the answer and clearing that up Eric

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