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Thread: January Shoot at ***** Hollow, Alberta

  1. #1
    Member Merlyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 31 2011

    January Shoot at ***** Hollow, Alberta

    One year ago at this time of year I had a flat tire. It was -37*C when I started to change the tire, and it was -41*C when I finished. It dropped to -45*C by the time I reached home. It was COLD!!!! DAMNED COLD!!!!
    Today, one year later (almost to the day) it was +8*C here, and Fastair and I were out at our "private" shooting range we have nicknamed '***** Hollow' (why we call it that is a whole 'nother story). We were shooting a .22 Phantom and two CO2 2240's. I fired 80 shots out of the two 2240's and Fastair shot an equal number of shots with the Phantom.
    Can you imagine shooting our airguns like that on Jan. 8th? What a rush!! It proves that no matter what, you can always find a way to enjoy the airgunning hobby. Tomorrow is to be also +8*C here, so maybe we can do this all over again, and tell our great-grandchildren that way back in 2012 we were out shooting CO2 pistols and a Phantom rifle on the 8th of Jan. in +8*C weather. Life is great, ain't it?

  2. #2
    Member PACTOO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 31 2011
    West of "Out There"
    If you believe in global warming then the grandkids might be saying oh Grandad how could you shoot in the cold like that?
    Confucious says: He who slings mud, often loses ground!

  3. #3
    Member Merlyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sat Dec 31 2011
    You are so right about that. By the way, I love your avitar---

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