Here is a little more info to get things going
The hall will hold 20 tables and there is also a large covered area outside with a half dozen large picinic tables
We have two certified shooting ranges for PAL rated airguns, non pal also acceptable.
25 yards indoors for pistol and rifle and a 50 yard outdoor benchrest ONLY rifle range.
There is a large trap field certified for shotguns so we dont think PAL rated rifles are allowed but are looking into it. It would be suitable though if someone wanted to organize a non PAL FT shoot. There are even 5 stations for shooters to sit at
None of the members here shoot FT so we have no concept of the amazing rigs some of you have.
If PAL FT is available i will post at once!
We also have a kitchen on site so there will be hamburers and refreshments, we may be looking for cooks too.
General admission is free.