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  • Welcome to The NEW Canadian Airgun Forum!

    This forum has been created to serve the Canadian Airgun Community.

    To state up front, the purpose of this forum is:

    To provide space for Canadian Airgunners to discuss all elements of the sport/activity.

    This website and forum is not oriented with a "profit motive" and the number of ads will remain the same ongoing and are oriented at covering the basic costs of maintaining the forum. There also will be no fundraising "raffles" or "membership fees"- the expense of setting up the forum, purchasing the software and maintaining things is "on me" and hopefully the small number of Google ads will cover the costs eventually.

    This forum is intended solely to provide a properly managed discussion and information area for people in Canada. Moderation of posts/people will be done conscientiously, but also firmly, by a team of Moderators. Their are no "stars" who will be immune to Moderation if they act in a manner that generally detracts from other people's enjoyment of the forum. This is not to suggest any person who is promoting silliness will not be able to be criticized or ridiculed, only that unwarranted hostility will not be tolerated.

    This forum is dedicated to the airgunning community and its ongoing promotion and (hopefully) growth. No dealers or others involved in the industry will be turned away if they follow the rules, as the more activity from everyone, the better.

    If anyone is questioning my motives (many are aware I operate an airgun-specialty business in Canada ( )), the reason is simple: If airgunning becomes more mainstream than it has been in the past, my primary business (supplying airguns, accessories and parts) grows as a result. I am an avid shooter and airgun hobbyist as well. It is my belief that a discussion forum should not be a "profit centre" but rather a "community gathering place" to teach and learn about the subject- in this case, airguns, airgun issues, airgun events and airgun products specific to Canada.

    Many people are also aware I have been running an International-based Airgun Information Website and Forum for many years: and over the last 6 months, I have increasingly believed the need for a new Canada-specific Airgun website and forum would be beneficial to all Canadian airgunners.

    Happy Airgunning!


    For anyone who is aware of the recent background surrounding the start of this forum, and wondering where the original message posted here has gone- it has been removed in order to try and maintain the peace across the Canadian Airgun community.