- QB's, instock and ready to ship...
- The LAST Crosman Nightstalkers and 2289s
- Czech LOV-21, 5 metre Match Pistols
- New stuff starting to arrive...first up , the new Crosman 1322
- Now online- Crosman Venom Dusk and Remington Vantage- detuned...
- Any interest in Match (Lothar Walther) barrels for QB/AR?
- Lothar Walther Airgun barrel blanks...
- Dan Wesson 8" Co2 BB Pistol (.45 cal look-alike) now in stock!
- Beeman P17's back in stock!
- Want them gone- IZH/Baikal MP-512P rifles!
- Shanghai Airgun Factory/Industry Brand QB78's back in stock!
- Some updated prices on Crosman pricing...
- The Bushnell's are coming! the Bushnell's are coming!
- Crosman 2289's- only two left in stock- then that's it...
- Crosman Phanton 500 in .177 Special Price- $79.99
- Oh Man...where'd the BJ Discoverys go?
- Crosman M4-177 for Canada- coming in this week- pre-order now...
- Any chance of the P-rod grips/trigger groups being available here?
- More Lothar-Walther barrels?
- ScopesAndAmmo.com credit card processing Notice
- Clearing out/streamlining inventory...
- H&N is now in stock...
- Blowout Deal- Remington Vantage (Detuned)...
- Bulk Co2 caplets- 400/pack...
- Limited time/availability- Crosman 1701P (Silhouette)...
- Scope rail/Weaver mount cameras now in stock!
- Shanghai Airgun/Industry Brand QB57D (Deluxe) now in stock...
- Industry Brand Springer- QB18FC (aka Beeman 1049F)
- Is it just me?
- Crosman TR77 now available...
- Vortek kit blowout....
- Crosman dug out the last 2289's...
- Online credit card security- Desjardins Group and National Bank (for Canada)...
- Beeman P17's and QB57D's back in stock...
- Crosman Silhouette Target Pistols...
- Crosman "2289" Bug-Out kits...
- Still have Lothar-Walther .177 and .22 barrels in 12mm OD, 23.8" length (and choked)
- "Firearm" rated products on the shelf...
- New products in stock- Xisico/Bam...
- Xisico XS-60C's now available in Canada!
- Dumping 'BB' products- Clearout
- Pile of new products (all require a PAL)...
- More new stuff in the store...
- Qb Repeater Magazines now in stock...
- Just in- Factory Refurbished Crosman 357 Vigilante's
- Norica is back in Canada!
- Want these items gone...
- Streamlining the inventory- optics clearout...
- More interesting stuff...
- Air-Guns in Alberta
- Benjamin NP2 rifles starting to arrive...
- Oshoot.ca Largest Website in Canada for Airguns